Automatic routing


The automatic routing system allows automatically assigning conversations to users based on available capacity and language proficiency.


The automatic routing system can be enabled for a game under the games conversation settings. An optional age limit can be specified for when conversations should get a big boost in prioritization.

User configuration

Under the users view it is possible to specify user specific options for the automatic routing system.

These options are available

  • Languages
  • Automatic routing enabled
  • Automatic routing capacity (how many conversations the user should be assigned automatically)
  • Games

Users with the English language selected will be used as a fallback for all languages, as they can leverage the automatic translation system.

Users with no Game selected will be considered for all games.

The logic

The system reacts to two different scenarios.

The first is when there is no backlog of open conversations and a new conversation comes in. This is evaluated for each new conversation.

The second is when a users capacity becomes available. User capacity can become available in the following scenarios

  • The user has closed a conversation
  • The user was created or modified and now has more capacity than before
  • The user assigns one of their conversations to someone else

In all of these cases the users entire capacity will be filled up if there are enough conversations available.

Empty backlog

When a new conversation is started, and there are no other conversations waiting. The system will look up the users configured to be used by the system, and see if there are any with available capacity.

From these available users the system will check if there are any that are configured for the language of the new conversations and select one of them.

If there are no users available with the specific language, all agents with English selected will be considered for random selection, as the automatic translation system will allow them to handle conversations in any language.

Freed user capacity

When a user closes/reassigns a conversation the system will check if they now have capacity available. If the agent has English available the system will consider all languages, if not it will only consider the languages of the user.

The system will prioritize conversations based on the following factors:

  • Conversation age
  • Player tier

If a game has the "Prioritize conversations older than" setting enabled, conversations that are older than the threshold will get a big boost in how they should be prioritized. This will in most cases cause these conversations to be selected first.

Related: Request conversation

There is a button on the top bar with which users can request additional conversations from the automatic system. This can be used by all users who have conversation access, they do not need to have auto routing enabled.

It uses the same logic for selecting conversations as when user capacity is available except that it ignores all capacity limitations, a user can request an additional conversation at any time.

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